THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN PREPARED IN PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN The Danish Concrete Association under the Danish Construction Association / The Danish Technological Institute/ AUTHORS/EDITORS Lars Nyholm Thrane and Thomas Juul Andersen, Danish Technological Institute Dorthe Mathiesen, The Danish Concrete Industry Association CONTRIBUTORS InnoBYG – The innovation network for sustainable building/ The Danish Concrete Association under the Danish Construction Association / The partnership group behind the Sustainable Concrete initiative / bæ PHOTOS Torben Eskerod, The Danish Concrete Industry Association, Danish Technological Institute, Ricky John Molloy, Simon Ladefoged and Ulrik Samsøe Figen PRINTING Jørn Thomsen Elbo A/S, Essen 22, 6000 Kolding, Denmark PAPER Cover: 300 g MultiArt Silk. Contents: 200 g MultiArt Silk. PUBLICATION March 2020. Version 2 BACKGROUND MATERIAL A number of publications centred on sustainable concrete initiatives have been published in recent years. The present publication draws in particular on the following publications/reports: 2 Bæredygtig optimering af betonkonstruktioner - Debatoplæg Interviewundersøgelse blandt repræsentanter fra byggeriet . (Sustainable optimisation of concrete structures – Debate contribu- tion Interview survey of representatives of the construction industry) Lars Nyholm Thrane, Gitte Normann Munch-Petersen, Dorthe Mathiesen, Claus Vestergaard Nielsen. Danish Technological Institute and Rambøll A/S for The Danish Concrete Industry Association, May 2018. 2 “A Sustainable Future for the European Cement and Concrete Industry – Technology assessment for full decarbonisation of the industry by 2050.” Dr. Aurélie Favier, Dr. Catherine De Wolf, Prof. Karen Scrivener, Prof. Guillaume Habert. ETH Zürich, October 2018 2 “Klimavenlig beton”. (Climate-friendly concrete) Per Goltermann, Pawel Wargocki, Kristian Dahl Hertz, Lisbeth M. Ottosen, Pernille Erland Jensen, Carsten Rode. Technical University of Denmark (DTU) 2017 2 “Klimatförbättrad betong”. (Climate-improved concrete) Svensk Betong 2019. CALCULATION BASIS The calculation of the CO c potential for the individual activities is based on statements of the concrete consumption made by the Danish Concrete Industry Association. In addition, it has been necessary to make a number of assumptions and presumptions in order to estimate the CO 2 potential for reducti- ons. InnoBYG’s activities are co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
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